Her finner du en oversikt over forskningsprosjektene ved Mohnsenteret.
Eksternfinansierte forskningsprosjekter
- Ansvarlig forskning og innovasjon i Norge (AFINO)
- Crowdfunding in the Culture Sector: Adoption, Effects and Implications (CROWDCUL)
- Drivers of regional economic restructuring: Actors, institutions and policy
- Kapasitetsløft for bærekraftig og innovativ sjømatproduksjon (KABIS)
- MobiFORSK Vestland 2020 (Vestland Fylkeskommune)
- Regional Resilience and Sustainable Industrial Restructuring (RegReSir)
- Responsible Innovation in the Norwegian Salmon Farming Industry
- Responsible Research and Innovation Ecosystems at Regional Scale (RRI2SCALE)
- Towards Sustainable Food and Drink Choices among European Young Adults
- UniS4Vest: The role of universities for sustainable smart specialisation in Vestland
- Drivers and challenges for cross-industry innovation in Western Norway
- Heterogeneous agency in tourism path development in rural Western Norway
- The dynamism of Salmon Farming Production Systems
- Green waves: Social fields and green innovation practice in the Western Norwegian maritime industry (Avsluttet)