Teaching and learning in higher education
The development program for basic competence in university pedagogy at HVL consists of two parts:
- Introduction to teaching and learning in university educationThe course provides an introduction to the field of teaching and learning in higher education.
- Optional modulesPart 2 of the development program for basic competence consists of several optional 20-hour modules in subject didactics.
Introductory course
The introductory course in the basic competence program for employment and promotion to associate professor and professor is offered in English and was planned for spring 2023. The course have been cancelled due to few applicants. A new course will run i the autumn of 2023 in the same time as the Norwegian course but in a different classroom.
All applicants must apply for the course in “Opptak” (also the applicants that applied for the spring 2023-course) and this can be done from 01.03.2023. You can find information about the course in Vestibylen when it is time to apply.
The time for the sessions will be announced here on the websiteas as soon as they are established.
We recommend that you contact your manager early in the application process for support.You can find the recommandation letter here.
Sign up here: Søknadsweb - Høgskulen på Vestlandet (hvl.no)
Educational competence and pedagogical portfolio
In what ways are educational competence and the portfolio or folder important for lecturers in higher education when it comes to employment and promotion?
Click to read about basic educational competence and educational portfolio.